Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Metaphor of Winter's Snowfall

I love snow and its inherent symbolic meaning and that smug way that it polarizes geographical communities with its blanket of insecurity. Ah, winter's snowfall puts an icy coat of generosity on the land and tempts those who dare to venture out on its icy road rinks with the thrill of sliding vehicles, the jack-knifing of Metro buses, the invisibility of trains and planes that never arrive and never depart to and from destinations unknown...interesting metaphor of snow as temptress and smug.

The metaphor of winter's snowfall the day before the start of school in the new year leaves its own irony of meaning and impact on a world again unprepared to salt the wounds of the deepest snowfall's gouge on the earth and its roadways. Snow falling on a barren planet creates its own destiny of choices and life thoughts. There is something about the multi-layering of winter's snowfall that slows time and invites introspection and reflection.

The beauty of a sudden snowfall is that begins with the flittering of a few flakes which compound into masses of translucent whiteness spreading its wings of flutter over everything in view. Our thoughts are like the flutter of reflections that are present without invitation and absent when inner inquiry is truly needed. As I watch the snow continue to fall tonight, I am reflective as I was when the first snowfall happened in December 2008.

I'm reflective on world need and world peace. I reflect on war and devastation and the hatred that spurs violence and disconnect. I think about children who are abandoned and left to grow through childhood alone surrounded by their innermost wants and needs of connection. My thoughts wander into global apathy and atrophy where the brilliance of life and creation are mere afterthoughts in political polarization and human genocide. I think about the homeless and the life decisions left to ponder for hundreds in tents and under the viaducts of life. I think about when I was homeless and I am grateful for life's circle and the resiliency of youth.

I don't miss the metaphors of winter's snowfall; I embrace them with full heart and life thoughts. What I know is that life is short indeed and like the flutter of snow wings, it comes and it goes. It is so important to appreciate the grandeur of life's offerings and the samplings of its bounty. Within the sweet sanctity of winter's blessings, the snow offers us a chance to reflect on the beauty of our existence and on the tenuous bond of our connection with the Universe.

As the snow continues to blanket my gratitude and my yard in my precious nanosecond of life on this planet, I am grateful for each flutter of snowy angel wings. I am at peace with my own life thoughts and my journey. It is the snow that dusts my joy with millions of snowflakes and the fullness of a snowy embrace. I love the snow and always will.........

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