Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Baggage We Carry In Our Lives

Let's face it, we all have baggage. Those portable containers that pass through airport security are not the only baggage we carry through life. We all have that clutter of baggage from our past and present that threatens to block the goodness and bounty from getting inward into our hearts and into our lives. It is that silent and sometimes not so silent baggage that is triggered by life thoughts, ours and others that is allowed to wander as actual manifestations of what defines us.

The baggage we carry in our lives is ingrained within our cellular structures, light and life-giving, invisible life forces that direct our life journey. Yet, that baggage can also be as weighty as a two-ton truck barreling down on our existence bringing to our fore, the power of life's reckoning. It is a constant delusion if we walk through this world asserting that we are devoid of what comes with the first cognizance of thought and reflection, "baggage."

It is those delusions of life sans baggage that stifles our creativity and innovation and devoids us of our most precious internal motivation to embrace the fullness of life's opportunities and connections that should be our destiny and our heart. The weight of baggage can be transformed from emotions and actions into anchors that threaten to drag us deeper into the mire of what was then and what could be now in our lives. Baggage has a historical legacy in that it is passed on from generation to generation to hold and bear and buckle under its scrutiny and its judgment.

We will always have metaphoric and actual baggage that we lug through the valley of our destiny and trek up the mountaintop of our desires. What is inherent and what must be understood is that when we go to the "baggage claim" of our life thoughts to review and retrieve the emotional, psychological, behavioral, social and a host of other "als," the baggage is ours to deal with and bear. The scars left in the aftermath are also ours. Baggage can be both a burden and a release of historical legacies and past experiences that serve to continually undermine the legacy that we are trying to build in our current consciousness.

So, again, let's face it, the ugly and beautiful undeniable reality of living is that "we all have baggage that we carry in our lives." The most important point is that we are aware of our baggage and what we intend to do with it as we traverse the hills and valleys of our life thoughts and our life's journey towards our own personal "baggage claims."

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