Sunday, January 11, 2009

Diving into the Deep Waters of Self

We live in a world of chaos and constant change that impacts our lives personally and professionally. There are both shallow and deep ends of the chaos and change that challenge us to dive in and take risks or remain the cautious and steady bystander taking in all of the action unfolding before us. Either way poses its own consequences of self-reflection and outward exposure. Either way requires an action or contemplation of a reaction to a proposed set of events that are ever present and ongoing.

Diving into the deep waters of self requires each of us to go deeper into our life thoughts and seek greater understandings of how we impact the world and how the impacts of the world affect us. It requires a soul-searching that creates answers and reflections that we may or may not be ready to address or answer. The dive may take us out of the comfort zones that keep us stagnated in place, time, event and life experiences. It may force us to sort out the familiar and dive into the zones of discontent and disconnect. It may require us to face the ugliness and the beauty of truths we hold dear and true to our character and our existence on the planet. It may force us to change or dive deeper into our sameness.

The dive creates the ripples of change that challenge us to change our lives and our ways of viewing the world from the sometimes narrow confines of our realities and historical legacies of truths believed and passed on as gospel unchallenged and unconfirmed. The depth of the dive forces us inward into our core, the center of our reflections and our beliefs. It stirs up discomfort in our collective comforts and exposes our vulnerabilities and fears. The very foundation of our being is called into question as the depth of the dive takes us to the heartbeat of who we are and who we project to be to ourselves and to others.

Diving into the deep waters of self is about the introspection of life thoughts and the assessment of our place in the Universe. It is only then that we can dive respectively into our authentic inner selves and grow from the depths of our core in creating the foundation of who we choose to be in this life and beyond.

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