Monday, December 22, 2008

The Color Purple Production-Seattle, WA.

The theater production of the musical version of "The Color Purple," was mesmerizing and thought-provoking. I was so greatly honored with incredible tickets for the December 20th, 8:00pm performance by two wonderful people in my life, Sue and Bruce. It was a gift that continues to give as I write this blog in the wee hours of a snow filled morning.

Getting to the production was all about wit and intention. I needed wit to change my tickets from the 8pm show to the 2pm matinee due to a snow storm that was predicted for later in the evening. I engaged intention in calling my friend and saying let's take the risk and go to the box office to change the tickets. Both were needed as I navigated the already snow covered hills of the Eastside to drive into the big city of Seattle on snow and ice covered roads.

The show was magnificent with actors and actresses who produced songs that were heavenly; songs that invoked the spirits of times past; songs that spoke to the present heart of our collective humanity; and songs that challenged us to change and be the change we sought in our own lives and in the lives of others. The show delivered a myriad of messages that spoke of empowerment, tenacity and freedom.

When Sofia lifted her voice in song and shouted out to the audience, "Hell No," it was a poignant moment of the evolution of civil rights from the oppression of the past beyond the marginalized opportunities of the present. It was about an inner power that we all possess to just say no to what marginalizes our abilities to be the best of who we can be on the planet that included each of us, both male and female.

The set design and flow from scene to scene set a tempo and pace that allowed the audience a chance to partake and indulge in our own personal reflections and resolutions. Even as the last curtain fell on a cast so connected and determined to present a show that spoke to our hearts, for me it was about the collective spirit of humanity and love that was shared during an afternoon when snow fell and blanketed the streets of Seattle yet again with the challenge and determination of the journey towards home.

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