Saturday, December 27, 2008

As the Snow Thaws

In an instant, the snow thaws as the temperature rises and melts it slowly into pure liquid of life thoughts and buried emotions. Each of us is aligned with the snow melting on the glaciers of emotive mountaintops and the deepest valley crevasses of our lives. As I sit watching the snow recede down the driveway towards destinations unknown, I marvel at the suddenness of a snowfall and the mystery of its meltdown.

How typical our human experiences and emotions are like the snowfall deeply buried in our past, yet profoundly impacting our present. We live our lives in layers of potential meltdowns like a winter snowfall pristining its subtleties of power over the land of our lives. In an instance as life turns a proverbial corner, we are at the mercy of temperature changes and fluctuations that mirror our moods and life journeys. In a flicker of a nanosecond, a trigger happens that opens us spread eagle to the mountaintops and valley crevasses of buried life thoughts and deeper buried life experiences.

It is easy to miss the slow creeping of the snow into unthinkable meltdowns, but we welcome them just as we welcomed the embrace of the snow and the welcome of our memories and reflections. We continue to remain in slow moving denial and the snow continues to thaw towards it ultimate meltdown of fluidity. In our human experience, we stand stoic in our denial of buried memories and thoughts. We are semblances of life and deny ourselves a much needed thaw. Our denial becomes marked by the heaviness of a marbled gravestone on our hearts. We become frozen in who we could have become in our life and accept the facade of who we are. As snow metaphors, we melt thinly into the liquid forms of our existence and flow towards the inevitable of the dark places that we have chosen to cover with thin layers of ice and layers of snowfall.

As the snow thaws, so do we if we allow ourselves to accept our vulnerability and fallibility as human beings who are as liquid as a snow melt or as frozen as an ice field. We choose the rate of our emotive thaws and we choose the depth of our snowfall and what it covers and buries in our life. As the snow thaws, so to does that bigger part of us that dares to dream and hope for the change in our humanity. As the snow melts and flows into the life creeks of our reality, it brings for us renewal and surfacing of what is real and why.

I will miss the snowfall that has blanketed our world and provided reflection and wonder. I will miss how the world was captured if just for a moment in the snow coated arms of the Universe and how we stood frozen in life's embrace and our reflective moments. I will miss how a snowfall created opportunity and a life blanket to wrap ourselves within the deepest of our life thoughts. I will miss the slow synergy of snowfall and its thawing waterfall of liquid meltdown as life once again beats in a dissonance of heart drums and human disconnects and connects.

As the snow thaws, the deepest connections of our being can remain frozen in a time past. As the snow melts, each of us can choose our reconnections with our inner selves and humanity. As the memory of the snowfall etches itself into our collective consciousness, we can learn to live and love again and connect with the life we were meant to live.

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