Sunday, March 8, 2009

Creating Family

Growing up without the concept of family has been an interesting journey of constant reflection, introspection and wonder on the meaning of blood relationships and lineage. Growing up without a family of birth has been even harder. I grew up creating the concept of family and keeping a disconnect between the virtual family unit that bounced around in my subconsciousness and the adult caregivers paid to destroy my soul. I grew up understanding that actual bonding and connecting to the immediacy of people who interplayed in the darkest recesses of my consciousness was to be avoided at all cost.

The child desired the connection and yet the child feared the connection of want that left deep rooted scar tissue around a heart that learned to beat to its own rhythm; find music in its own pulsation of life. The child learned that adults destroyed life and childhoods. The teenager understood that adults were complicated and yet emotionally simplistic as they gabbled about life trying to survive a world moving at its own momentum irrespective of their needs, wants and desires. The teenager became the invisible child turned into the masked adult.

The adult made the mind connection of self-care and self-introspection translated into stepping beyond the world's exactness and extraction of soul, spirit and fortitude of character and fulfillment. The adult understood finally that the world is a Universal magnet of connectors that draws and repels the human connections in ways that both complicate and simplify heart and soul connections.

The adult learned that creating family is a deliberate connection of the human spirit. It is a vital bloodline of the desire to become visible in a world masked by human invisibility. It is a conscious human connection of heartbeats and racing pulses to join like minds and interrelatedness of thoughts and feelings into deliberate intentions and possibilities. It is filling the void in the need to belong and be visible within the human connection of care and revelation. It is creating a family of intention and heart.

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