Sunday, May 18, 2008

Our Conscious Self

Deep down within the core of the conscious self lies who we really are and have envisioned ourselves to become in life. We grow into our adulthood with goals and aspirations hoping to finally actualize the self we have cultivated and matured into fruition. In life, we all want the same basic things: love with someone who makes our soul sing; financial freedom to provide the basic necessities and the extras; health and well-being; and making human connections in the form of friends, family and the professional connections.

When the basic essence of life throws a wrench in the plans we have so carefully cultivated for our lives, we start the blame game of victimization. Instead of dealing with the wrench, we allow it to torque us into submission and the victim's role. A wrench is a tool that is designed to correct a problem, so once the wrench of life is caught, use it. It's not about blame or victimization; it's about life and the fact that as we each take our journey through life, we have to deal with whatever life has to offer. Use the wrench to fix the problem and alter it into something life changing.

What inherently each of us must understand is that oftentimes, life, the universe, God, Allah, Her or whomever or whatever one chooses to label a higher power greater than the human experience, is leading us towards our deepest conscious self. In order to grow and understand our life connections, we must go beyond what appears reasonable into the deepest dark of thought and reflection. We are not the captains of our ship, we are simply passengers enjoying the experience of the open embrace of the waters and the swirl of life as it serves to teach us and grow us into caring, loving and incredible human beings.

We know from life's experiences that the journey into our conscious self provides the ultimate transformation of the person we are ultimately meant to be in this world. As we grow into our majestic self, we become aware that the essence of life lies in what we really don't know and not in what we think we know. The deepest mystery of life is within its chaos, not within its control.

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