Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lost in a Busy World

Have you ever just stopped in a moment of time and realized that you were momentarily lost in a busy world? Each day for many people is filled with a frenetic type of momentum that propels the human spirit into whirlwinds of unrelenting motion and emotional disturbance. Between our personal and professional world, we are tossed about on the spiritual bridge that connects us to the balance of the universe.

There comes a moment in time when each of us must stop in the tossing and breath. It is within this breath of renewal that our cells are infused with synergy and hope. We take breathing for granted as if the air that fuels us is a given right of our temporary inhabitance on this planet and of our life form. What we fail to truly understand is that we are so brief in the span of time called life. Our lives are in reality symbolized by mere nanoseconds of time stretched together in episodic life experiences.

We are indeed lost in a busy world that controls us within our experiences and our short lives on earth. When we stop for that brief moment, it is then that we realize how precocious life is and how we only have the moment of time that we're in at any given collection of seconds during a time span or life experience. We are the gift of life and not the giver.

To be lost is not about stopping to reevaluate our existences or our life contributions. Being lost is really about finding oneself in the chaos of frenzy that defines humanity. Taking time to reflect on what we give back to the planet is about finding that our time on earth was planned zillions of years ago in the twinkle of a star and the rising of the sun connecting with the setting of its moon. We are special in the uniqueness of our creation and in the blessing of our spiritual births.

Now is the time to stop and embrace the moment of our possibilities. It is the today in our lives that we must connect with the essence of our birth and the journey of our discourse in our nanoseconds of life moments. Yes, each of us is lost in a busy world. Our job in this life is to stop, breath, bless our universal birth, and touch the lives of humanity with the applause that we existed in the first place.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Our Conscious Self

Deep down within the core of the conscious self lies who we really are and have envisioned ourselves to become in life. We grow into our adulthood with goals and aspirations hoping to finally actualize the self we have cultivated and matured into fruition. In life, we all want the same basic things: love with someone who makes our soul sing; financial freedom to provide the basic necessities and the extras; health and well-being; and making human connections in the form of friends, family and the professional connections.

When the basic essence of life throws a wrench in the plans we have so carefully cultivated for our lives, we start the blame game of victimization. Instead of dealing with the wrench, we allow it to torque us into submission and the victim's role. A wrench is a tool that is designed to correct a problem, so once the wrench of life is caught, use it. It's not about blame or victimization; it's about life and the fact that as we each take our journey through life, we have to deal with whatever life has to offer. Use the wrench to fix the problem and alter it into something life changing.

What inherently each of us must understand is that oftentimes, life, the universe, God, Allah, Her or whomever or whatever one chooses to label a higher power greater than the human experience, is leading us towards our deepest conscious self. In order to grow and understand our life connections, we must go beyond what appears reasonable into the deepest dark of thought and reflection. We are not the captains of our ship, we are simply passengers enjoying the experience of the open embrace of the waters and the swirl of life as it serves to teach us and grow us into caring, loving and incredible human beings.

We know from life's experiences that the journey into our conscious self provides the ultimate transformation of the person we are ultimately meant to be in this world. As we grow into our majestic self, we become aware that the essence of life lies in what we really don't know and not in what we think we know. The deepest mystery of life is within its chaos, not within its control.

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Life Thoughts

Life Thoughts

We are born mixtures of cellular matter into human form
Infused with capacities of cognizance and connection
We sit life forms in pool spas protected by taut skin
Stretched over extended bellies of the motherlode

We kick out into a world stimulated by the chaos of life
Growing into young forms of humanity seeking
Knowledge wisdom of the elders who have preceded us
Sorting through the masses of overstimulation in our world

We sprout as proverbial weeds into flowers that puff
Into brilliance of thoughts and deeds of life acts
That contribute to the essence of life or perish in its ashes
As we seek to formulate personalities of self and service

We move along the journey of life in partnerships
Of life ties that bind us deeper into an understanding
That human survival began in the cesspool of a belly
Contributing nuances and genetic templates to who we are

In time we move beyond the firmness of thoughts and soul
Into the flaccidity of reflection and spiritual yearnings
As we project back into the conception of life that began
In the heavens under the belly of the clouds and the rain

Until one day when the time of life becomes the time of return
We are called back into the cataclysmic embrace of life matter
Once again becoming the atoms of a universe
That for billions of years has given us a chance to experience
a different type of life form.